Wednesday, 4 January 2017

 SH&E is a line management responsibility. Ownership and accountability for SH&E performance is embedded in the line at all levels and Line Managers are responsible for providing SH&E leadership and for development and implementation of SH&E management plans for their areas of responsibility. 

Problem and the beauty is that SHE Performance improves as you grow – you do not realize!!
To be continued…

Now what are SHE Standards and how these can be part of SHE Management System which we need to prepare?

The SHE Standards are the documents that provide a broad overview of the main SH&E activity areas. These are not used in the implementation process or day-to-day activities, but to categorise the full suite of Model Procedures
            Safety, Health and Environmental (SH&E) Commitment
            Safety, Health and Environmental Policy has to apply to all operations of the company. The appropriate organisation and arrangements to implement the SH&E Policy and Standards has to be put in place. The conduct expected and the accountabilities of employees for SH&E performance has to be established.

            Management and Resources
            Line management shall lead the implementation of the SH&E Policy and shall establish and monitor programmes aimed at the continuous improvement of performance towards defined goals.  Appropriate SH&E and engineering support resources and facilities shall be made.

            Communication and Consultation
            Relevant information shall be provided, to employees, contractors, customers, suppliers and the public, concerning the effects of company’s materials, products and activities on the safety and health of people and of the environment

            Selection and Training
            Competencies and expertise for safety, health and environment protection shall be taken into consideration in the selection and placement of employees. Training needs shall be identified and satisfied to ensure that all employees have the necessary skills and behave with proper regard for the safety and health of themselves and others, and for environmental protection.

            Material Hazards
            A complete and current inventory shall be available of all raw materials, intermediates, products, wastes and other materials present in the workplace. Their hazards shall be identified and risks to people and the environment assessed. 

            New Plant, Equipment and Process Design
            There shall be systems for the management of projects and the design of all new facilities, plants, equipment and processes. Design and construction shall be in accordance with relevant engineering guidelines, local codes and regulations.  Relevant studies shall be carried out to identify hazards and assess risks to people and the environment.  

            Management of Change
            Any modifications to facilities and the arrangements for their operation, including personnel, shall not compromise and, where possible, shall improve SH&E performance.  Proposals for changes to plant, equipment, processes and control systems shall be registered and assessed, and modifications shall be authorised.

            Systems of Work
            Systems of work shall be drawn up and maintained to ensure the safety and health of people and the protection of the environment.  Hazards shall be eliminated or consequent risks reduced as far as is reasonably practicable. 

            Emergency Plans
            The nature and scale of all reasonably foreseeable emergencies, including transport emergencies, shall be identified.  Adequate formal arrangements, appropriate to the hazards and risks involved, shall be established to deal with these emergencies.   Plans shall be communicated and regularly rehearsed and reviewed.

            Environmental Impact Assessment
            Each location shall prepare and maintain an up-to-date assessment of the environmental impact of its activities. This assessment shall take into account, but not be limited to, the solid, liquid and gaseous wastes produced and the measures for their disposal.

            Resource Conservation
            Natural resources shall be conserved by efficient energy use, by minimising the consumption of non-renewable resources and by reducing waste to the minimum practicable.  Re-use and recycling of materials shall be promoted, having regard for safety, health, environmental, social and economic factors.

            Waste Management
            The handling and disposal of wastes shall be properly managed.  Records shall be maintained of the handling and disposal of all solid, liquid and gaseous wastes generated.

            Product Stewardship
            Company shall ensure that operations are managed, in an ethical and responsible manner, all the safety, health and environmental aspects of a product from its initial conception to its ultimate use and disposal. 

            SH&E Performance and Reporting
            Company shall report safety, health and environmental performance.  Incidents and public complaints shall be recorded, investigated and appropriate corrective action taken to prevent recurrence

            Formal auditing procedures shall be defined and implemented to ensure that the systems and behaviours adopted to meet these Standards are soundly established, maintained and observed

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