Sunday, 1 January 2017

 SH&E is a line management responsibility. Ownership and accountability for SH&E performance is embedded in the line at all levels and Line Managers are responsible for providing SH&E leadership and for development and implementation of SH&E management plans for their areas of responsibility. 

Modifications, Critical systems, Basis of safety, risk Assessment, responsible Engineering, Process Safety, Product Stewardship are all key to SHE Management Plan concerning Plant and should for part of it.
All these aspects would be elaborated in detail when we come to implementation stage. 
To be continued…
Having looked at plant, let us now have a look at Procedure related requirements
A management system which facilitates the implementation of effective SH&E processes

 SH&E Policy & Strategy
 Group Standards
 Model Procedures
 SH&E plans
 SH&E Reporting
 Auditing programs  
 Risk Assessment and Management techniques
 Industrial Hygiene programs
 Prevention of Fatalities initiative
 Legacy management

There are SHE standards which include Safety, Health, Environment, Fire, Engineering and Distribution requirements.  They state what sites must do to meet the Orica SH&E Policy.

The SH&E Model Procedures provide further detail on what has to be done to implement the SH&E Policy and the SH&E Standards. The Model Procedures are used to facilitate compliance and capture best practice. They cover the full range of SH&E activities. These need to be prioritized and made part of SHE Management Plan.
SHE Reporting, Auditing are essential part of Plan and should be included hereunder,
There are various ways of conducting Risk Assessment but basic ingredients are same and this tool is very effective in bringing about improvement in safety.
While most of the companies gibe not much relevance to low probability and high consequence events but in my eyes this is one area which should be given adequate attention as any such incident would push you back by several years. One should have fatality prevention initiatives in SHE Plan.
For old set ups legacy management system would play an important role in coming years with law of the land becoming more stringent in such matters.
As can be seen there are various aspects and based on the need of the company these may be considered for inclusion in SHE Management Plan after due prioritization.

 To be continued….

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